How to choose a font for a corporate HANKO- Introducing 3 recommended choices -

Corporate HANKO are indispensable for operating organizations such as companies and organizations, and the choice of font is important because it affects the image of the seal. However, many people are not familiar with the fonts used for HANKO and are confused about which one to choose.

First, we will introduce some basic knowledge about corporate HANKO, as well as the types and characteristics of fonts recommended for corporate HANKO. Please use this as a reference when creating your corporate HANKO.

Basic knowledge about corporate HANKO

Corporate HANKOinclude a ``representative seal (circle seal)'' which is also known as the company's registered seal, a ``bank seal'' for bank procedures, a frequently used ``square seal (company seal)'', and contact information such as address. There is an "address stamp" that can be stamped. After opening a company or organization, it is a good idea to prepare a set of these four HANKO.

[Corporate HANKO] Registered seal/representative seal (office seal/circle seal)

The representative seal is the HANKO of the company's representative. When establishing a company, it is necessary to register it with the Legal Affairs Bureau, and at that time the representative seal will be registered as the registered seal.

The seal is generally engraved with the company name, the title of the company's representative, and finally ``no seal,'' such as ``Seal of representative director of ○○ Co., Ltd.''

The size of the stamp is between 10mm and 30mm, and it is generally 18mm, depending on the number of characters in the company name. The shape is round and the seal is a double circle design.
Representative seals have several names, including ``official seals'' because they contain the job title, and ``maru seals'' because of their round shape.

The representative seal is used to stamp important documents such as company transactions as a registered seal.

[Corporate HANKO] Bank seal

A bank seal is a HANKO that is registered when opening a bank. Opening a bank is essential for transactions, salary payments, etc. Therefore, prepare a special HANKO.

The stamp is engraved with "○○ Co., Ltd. Bank Seal".

Generally, the size of the stamp is one size smaller than the representative stamp, so if the representative stamp is 18mm, it would be better to make it 16.5mm.

Bank seals are used not only for opening accounts but also for withdrawing deposits.

[Corporate HANKO] Square seal (company seal)

Kakuin (company seal) is used in exchanging various company documents.

The seal is generally engraved with ``XX Co., Ltd.'s seal,'' and in some cases it is just the company name, but the arrangement of characters and the ``seal'' or ``no-in'' are added depending on the number of characters and the balance of the seal.

The size of the stamp surface is generally 24 mm square, and the shape is square. The representative seal is often abbreviated as the round seal, and the company seal is often called the ``square seal.''

Square stamps are used for documents that occur on a daily basis, such as invoices and receipts.

[Corporate HANKO] Address stamp

In addition to the basic corporate HANKO such as representative company seals, bank seals, and company seals, it is also convenient to have an address stamp.

An address stamp is a HANKO that can be stamped with a company name, address, TEL, etc., and is used on handwritten receipts, envelopes, etc.

In addition to the one-piece address stamp, there are also types that allow you to rearrange the order of the contents.

This year, in addition to the company name and address, there is an increasing trend to include the invoice registration number . The ``Parent-Child Seal'' and ``Shachihata Combination Seal'' that allow you to stamp any desired combination of items are convenient.

What is a HANKO typeface?

Several types of fonts are used for HANKO. There is no problem with the font you choose for your HANKO, as long as it allows you to distinguish the impression of your seal and has the ability to perform cross-checking.

However, there are fonts that are suitable for each type. For example, it is common to distinguish between ``typefaces that are difficult to copy for representative seals and bank seals,'' and ``typefaces that are easy to read for frequently used company seals.''

3 fonts recommended for corporate HANKO

Here we will introduce three types of fonts recommended for corporate HANKO. Each typeface has different characteristics.

Seal typeface

Seal typeface is a popular typeface and is often used as a standard typeface for HANKO . It is one of the most commonly seen typefaces for corporate HANKO. It has been used since ancient times in Japanese history, and is still used today for stamps on banknotes.

Seal typefaces are characterized by having horizontal and vertical lines that are symmetrical . The thickness of the letters is uniform and the corners are rounded. It is a typeface that cannot be read at first glance and is difficult to copy, so it is often used not only for corporate HANKO but also for personal registered seals and bank seals.


Inso font is a typeface that is an arrangement of seal font. It is made for HANKO and has a design that is stretched or bent so that the lines of the letters stick to the frame of the seal. It is characterized by thicker lines and fewer margins than a seal typeface, and it also has the effect of preventing frames and character lines from being chipped.

This typeface is even more difficult to decipher than the seal typeface.


Kointai is a typeface unique to Japan and is easy to read. The design looks like the lines are uneven and cut in the middle. It is a highly versatile typeface that is easy to read.

Materials for corporate seals that you should choose along with HANKO HANKO

For corporate HANKO, why not pay attention to not only the font but also the material of the HANKO? We recommend using durable materials so that you can use it for a long time. If the impression of the seal changes due to damage or deterioration over time, it will no longer function as a registered seal or bank seal, and measures such as remaking or reregistration will be required. We will introduce recommended materials for corporate HANKO.

Genuine ivory

Ivory, which is highly rare, is known as the king of HANKO, and is extremely durable and easy to stamp.

black buffalo

Black buffalo uses water buffalo horn. It is a jet black stamp material that has a solid feel and presence.


Among all types of wood, Japanese pine wood has a high density, making it extremely strong and durable. By using it for many years, it develops a wood-like luster, so you can enjoy the change in texture.


Among metals, titanium is hard and rust-resistant, making it a high-quality stamp material that can be used semi-permanently. Silver gold. Available in a wide variety of colors including black, it is popular for its stylish design.


Above, we have introduced recommended fonts based on the basic knowledge of corporate HANKO. We have also introduced recommended materials for highly durable HANKO, so that you can consider the typeface and the material as well.

It is recommended to create a corporate HANKO as a set with a representative seal, bank seal, company seal, and address seal. If you are particular about the typeface and materials you create, you will be able to use it for many years with even more love.

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