HANKO is a souvenir. Why we recommend HANKO for foreigners traveling to Japan

In recent years, the number of tourists visiting Japan has increased, with many foreign tourists visiting the country. Did you know that "hanko"(HANKO) are popular among foreign tourists as souvenirs to commemorate their trip to Japan ?

HANKO are a uniquely developed culture

HANKO are a culture that developed uniquely in Japan. They were originally introduced to Japan from China, and even in China, although company seals remain, signatures are still used for signing contracts, just like in the West.
However , in Japan, HANKO are used in a variety of situations, including company contracts, purchasing a car or house, marriage, submitting birth registrations, invoices, receipts, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that Japan is the only country where HANKO are used as a means of identity verification and expressing intentions, and are deeply integrated into daily life.

Why HANKO are Popular with Foreigners

There are many foreign tourists who are interested in "HANKO," a unique Japanese culture, and buy them as souvenirs. Why are "hanko" so popular with foreigners now? We will introduce some of the reasons why.

Because it is a culture that is unfamiliar to foreigners

As mentioned above, using HANKO in daily life is a uniquely Japanese culture, and is rarely used overseas. There are probably many foreigners who say, "I saw a HANKO for the first time when I came to Japan!" That's why many people are curious about what it is and how it is used.

Because I can enjoy the exotic side of the Japanese language

In addition to kanji, HANKO are written in hiragana and katakana. Languages ​​that are written using multiple characters are rare, and Japanese seems to be quite interesting. The sight of various characters lined up seems very exotic to foreigners. It seems that many foreigners purchase "HANKO" as a proof that they have come into contact with exotic Japanese culture.

Because it can be used as a stylish stamp

As mentioned above, there is no culture of stamping HANKO in foreign countries, and all documents such as contracts are completed by signing. Therefore, you may think that even if you buy a HANKO, you will never have a chance to use it, but in fact, this is not the case.
For example, you can use it as a stylish stamp by stamping it next to the addressee on a letter or on your belongings. It can be used casually in a variety of places, and being a rare item, it is very useful.

Because you can enjoy kanji

For foreigners, kanji are very fascinating characters. Not only does each character have a meaning, but they can also be read in various ways. You can have fun searching for kanji that perfectly match the sounds of your name, or looking up the meanings of kanji.

Putting kanji together like a puzzle, considering the balance of the combination, the sound, and the meaning of the word, is sure to be a valuable experience for foreigners.

Because it's original

You can choose your favorite HANKO from a variety of materials, shapes, and fonts. You can also print your name in kanji to create a one-of-a-kind HANKO. In this way, HANKO's high level of originality is also an appealing feature.

When making a HANKO, convert your name into kanji.

Many foreigners have no idea how to read or what the kanji characters mean, so they tend to choose a HANKO with a random surname. For example, if a foreigner buys a HANKO with the name "Yamada" or "Sato", it will just be "buying a HANKO object", and of course the original meaning of the HANKO will not be conveyed.

Hanko Shop 21 offers a service that can convert foreign names into kanji.

Hanko Shop 21 – Kanji Translator

If you are going to buy a HANKO with your own name, you should use it for the original purpose of a HANKO, as a Japanese signature. Recently, there has been an increase in foreign tourists visiting Japan who would like to have their foreign names converted into kanji and used as HANKO.
For example, for someone named "Tom," the kanji would be converted to "Kanamu," and for someone named "Karen," the kanji would be converted to "Karen," and a HANKO would be created.

Of course, you can create a HANKO using the alphabet as is, or you can create one in katakana or hiragana. However, because HANKO are a uniquely Japanese culture, converting your name into kanji may give you a more Japanese feel.

Also, each kanji has a meaning behind it. Foreigners will be happy if you explain to them why you chose that kanji and what it means.

The Hanko Shop 21 website offers a service where you can enter your name in alphabets and it will convert it to kanji. When you enter your first name, middle name, last name, etc. in alphabets, you will be presented with a list of kanji to convert to. The meanings of the kanji are explained in English, so it will be fun to choose which kanji to use.

Hanko Shop 21 – Kanji Translator

If you're looking for HANKO souvenirs, try "Hanko Shop 21," which has stores all over the country.

When choosing a HANKO as a souvenir for foreigners from Japan, we recommend the shop "Hanko Shop 21."Hanko Shop 21 is a HANKO specialty store with stores all over Japan, so you can purchase HANKOs all over Japan. You can also create your own original HANKO by choosing from a variety of materials and fonts, such as wood, metal, acrylic, and cow horn.

Furthermore, Hanko Shop 21 has a wide lineup of products, from custom-made HANKOs that are carefully crafted by skilled artisans with traditional techniques, to easy-to-make HANKOs that can be made on the same day. Another appealing point is that you can choose a HANKO that suits your needs, from a special gift to a casual souvenir.

From here, we will introduce some recommended souvenirs for foreigners from among the HANKOs that can be purchased at Hankoya 21.

Name stamps and ink stamps

This is a HANKO called "Shachihata". Since it does not require red ink, you can use it like a stamp. It is also relatively inexpensive among HANKOs, so you can purchase it without hesitation. Another attractive feature is that you can choose from stylish colors such as pale green and pale yellow.

Titanium HANKO

Titanium HANKO, which are hard and durable and can be used almost forever, are also recommended as souvenirs. Titanium does not rust and can be washed with water, so you can keep your HANKO clean at all times. In addition, titanium is written as "鈦" in kanji, so it is also popular as a lucky charm because "金" (gold) means "to get fat." The appearance that makes use of the texture of the metal material is very stylish, and will be well received by foreigners.


HANKO that can be used as stylish stamps and have fun with kanji are popular souvenirs for foreigners known as "HANKO". If you are going to create a HANKO as a souvenir for a foreigner, convert the name into kanji. You can also enjoy the fun of choosing the kanji. If you want to buy a souvenir HANKO, we recommend "Hankoya 21", which has stores all over the country.

Hanko Shop 21 – Kanji Translator

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