What are the uses and types of company rubber stamps? Explanation of useful rubber stamps

The clerical work of writing addresses, company names, and signing documents and envelopes one by one is time-consuming and tedious, isn't it? To improve the efficiency of such office work, we recommend rubber stamps with the company name, address, etc. on them. Using rubber stamps saves you the hassle of handwriting, and also prevents mistakes such as writing mistakes. In this article, we will explain the various and convenient uses of rubber stamps.

Explanation of the role and types of corporate seals

HANKO used by companies are called "corporate seals," and corporate seals are divided into corporate seals (representative seals), bank seals, square seals (company seals), and address seals, each of which has a different role. . Among the corporate seals listed here, address stamps are made using rubber stamps or penetrating stamps. Let's take a look at the role of each corporate seal.

What is a corporate seal?

Corporate seal is a general term for HANKO used by companies and organizations. Corporate seals are used in important situations, such as when signing contracts with business partners or explaining bank accounts. Let's distinguish and remember the roles of each corporate seal.

Corporate seal

A corporate seal, also known as a representative seal or title seal, is a HANKO that is registered with the Legal Affairs Bureau when establishing a company. Personally speaking, it corresponds to a registered seal. Corporate registered seals are generally affixed by the representative of the company, and are HANKO on transaction documents such as contracts. Because corporate registered seals are important HANKO, they are rarely used for stamping statements of delivery, invoices, etc.

When creating a corporate registered seal, there are regulations regarding the size that can be registered with the Legal Affairs Bureau, so the size of the HANKO must fit within a square of 10 mm or more and within 30 mm, and the size of the seal face is generally 18 mm.

bank seal

A bank seal is a HANKO that a company submits when conducting current transactions with a bank. In addition to making deposit payments, it is also used to stamp checks and bills. To avoid misuse of HANKO, it is recommended to keep corporate registered seals and bank seals separate. When making a bank seal, the stamp surface is generally 16.5mm, which is slightly smaller than a registered corporate seal.

square seal

A square seal is an individual's personal seal, and is stamped on contracts, receipts, delivery notes, etc. as a company's seal. Unlike corporate registered seals and bank seals, there is no need to register. It is also commonly used to give meaning to the reliability of documents.

address stamp

Address stamps are rubber stamps used to stamp company names, addresses, TEL, etc. on various documents. It is used to save the trouble of writing the company name on documents, envelopes, etc. each time. In addition to data stamps that include the date and name stamps that save the hassle of signing, there are also penetrant stamps that have ink built into the stamp body, and there are a wide variety of stamps to suit different purposes.

Types of corporate HANKO

There are three types of corporate HANKO: round stamps, square stamps, and rubber stamps. The type of HANKO used differs depending on the role introduced above, and you can tell which corporate seal is affixed by looking at the seal impression.

circle mark

Maruin is a HANKO with a circular impression, and includes corporate registered seals and bank seals. HANKO are stamped on important contracts, etc., so be sure to store documents with a circle stamp in a safe place. The name Maruin is called Maruin because when registering a corporate registered seal with the Legal Affairs Bureau, most companies register it as a Maruin.

square seal

A square seal is a HANKO that is stamped on receipts, invoices, etc. as a company seal. The company name is written inside the rectangular stamp and is used to mean "confirmed." It is often used in daily work, and is also used for document creation.

rubber stamp

This is a HANKO with the company name, address, etc. written on it, and is mainly used for office work. It is also very convenient to increase work efficiency. Corporate registered seals and bank stamps cannot be made with rubber stamps.

Uses and types of company rubber stamps

Rubber stamps are very useful HANKO for improving daily work efficiency. There are many different types of rubber stamps, so why not try them out to suit your needs?

address stamp

A rubber stamp with the company name, address, and TEL written on it. You can stamp a variety of documents, slips, envelopes, etc., eliminating the hassle of writing and greatly reducing work time. Anyone can stamp the same stamp, which helps prevent mistakes such as writing mistakes.

parent and child seal

A rubber stamp that can be divided into blocks. Company name, address, TEL, etc. can be used separately and combined. It is very convenient because you can handle most documents just by preparing one set. Even if your address changes, you only have to buy that block again, so it's easy to rebuild.

address stamp

A rubber stamp with the address of the mail written on it. Address stamps are convenient if you have a recipient to send to frequently, and are more economical than creating address stickers.

Name seal

Rubber stamps with individuals' names written on them are used for managing employee lists, time cards, school lists, etc. It is very convenient to keep it for yourself as it saves you the trouble of signing your name.

data stamp

This is a rubber stamp that allows you to stamp the date and other information such as "receipt" or "receipt" at the same time. You can easily change the date, which is useful for daily confirmation work. Data seal impressions can be created from three types: double circle, round, and oval.

Noshibukuro seal

This is a rubber stamp that can be used to engrave your name on gift bags, gift bags, etc. You can immediately stamp beautiful letters that look like they were written with a brush, so this is very useful when you need to prepare a gift bag in a hurry. Recommended for those who are not good at writing with brush pens.

check stamp

A rubber stamp with your name and address written on it that is stamped on checks and bills. It also serves as a signature stamp to be delivered to financial institutions. The signature on the check is basically handwritten, but if it is registered, it is also possible to issue it in a registered form.

Transfer stamp

This is a rubber stamp with the bank name, branch name, account number, etc. of the recipient bank written on it. It is useful when creating invoices and various slips, and prevents erroneous transfers due to writing errors.

Fuga seal

A rubber stamp that allows you to stamp your name and address on New Year's cards and postcards. It is characterized by a decorative frame called ``Fuga Frame,'' which makes your postcard gorgeous just by pressing it.

rubber stamp with frame

This is a rubber stamp that can be stamped with the word "completed" surrounded by a circle or a simple table. You can quickly insert framed confirmation fields and check items into documents, saving you the trouble of printing them out on paper.

Rubber stamps for tourism, stamp rallies, and events

At Hanko Shop 21, you can also make rubber stamps for sightseeing and events. Illustrations and designs can also be included, so they are also recommended as commemorative stamps for event PR, stamp rallies, etc.

3 benefits of using rubber stamps at your company

Rubber stamps are a convenient item that can stamp information quickly and reliably. It makes daily work smoother and leads to increased work efficiency.

1, Increased work efficiency

Writing addresses and company names on envelopes and documents each time is time consuming and inefficient. Once you create an address stamp, you can stamp it in an instant, greatly increasing work efficiency. Another advantage is that there is no difference in appearance no matter who stamps it. You won't get tired of handwriting.

2. Preventing mistakes such as writing mistakes

With rubber stamps, unlike handwriting, you won't make mistakes. This prevents mistakes in office work and leads to more reliable work. It is recommended that you prepare address stamps, transfer stamps, mailing stamps, etc. for each purpose, as it will save you the trouble of checking and filling out the information each time.

3,Cost cutting

The only costs required when using a rubber stamp are the cost of the rubber stamp and ink. Once created, it can be used semi-permanently unless the information changes. In particular, parent and child stamps can be used for a variety of purposes by combining them, so they are highly recommended from a cost standpoint. You can expect cost savings compared to printing addresses or creating stickers.

Stamp Hanko Shop 21 rubber stamp

At Hanko Shop 21, we have a variety of rubber stamps to suit your needs. We can also make custom-made rubber stamps, so please order a rubber stamp that is convenient for your needs.

Can be made to order

At Hanko Shop 21, we make custom-made rubber stamps for corporations. To make it more convenient to use, you can customize the rubber stamp size, font, number of lines, etc. to suit your needs and usage. To order from Online shop, please select the store closest to you. The product will be shipped within 2 to 3 business days after proofreading of the characters to be printed is confirmed.

Created with a plastic stand or parent and child stand (Freemate)

Address stamps, check stamps, etc. can be made using plastic bases or parent-child basestocks (Freemate). Plastic stands are rubber stamps whose handles are made of plastic, and Freemates are parent-child stamps that can be divided and rearranged. Freemate is a rubber stamp that allows you to divide the company name, TEL, address, etc. into item blocks, and use the blocks in any combination. I highly recommend it because you can handle a variety of documents with just one.

We have a variety of corporate seals available.

In addition to rubber stamps, we also carry a variety of corporate stamps, including registered corporate seals and bank stamps. We also offer materials such as titanium, which is recommended for corporate seals, as well as ivory and buffalo materials. This is an important HANKO that proves the rights and obligations of a corporate representative, so please make your own important HANKO at Hanko Shop 21 .


HANKO used by companies are called corporate seals, and can be divided into four roles: corporate seals, bank seals, square seals (company seals), and address seals. Of these four rubber stamps, the company seal (square stamp) and address stamp can be used. As a company seal, rubber stamps are extremely useful for increasing the efficiency of daily operations. At Hanko Shop 21, we have a variety of rubber stamps available for different purposes, so please feel free to contact us. We also accept orders online.

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