What is the difference between a registered seal and a sanmonban?

Sanbunban is ready-made and easily available anywhere, so I think everyone has used it at least once.
On the other hand, there may be some people who have never owned a registered seal or don't know how to make one.
In this article, we will explain the difference between jitsuin and sanmonban. The main difference is that sanmonban is used for backup in daily work, and jitsuin is used for important contracts, so you won't make a mistake.

What is a registered seal?

First, let's check the definition of a registered seal.

HANKO registered at the government office

A registered seal is a HANKO registered at a government office such as a municipality.

To register as a registered seal, you need to prepare a HANKO that meets the regulations of the government office. HANKO that can be registered must fit in a rectangular shape with sides exceeding 8 mm and within 25 mm, and rubber HANKO that are easily deformed cannot be registered.

When you register a HANKO as a registered seal, a document called a HANKO registration certificate will be issued by the government office, but by stamping the registered HANKO on the contract and submitting the certificate together, it will be effective as a registered seal. . The effect of a registered seal is to leave behind reliable evidence that the contract was entered into by the person's will. Additionally, a registered seal is a highly unique HANKO as only one person can register it.

Purpose of use of registered seal

A registered seal is used to stamp important contracts entered into by individuals. Even if a contract in Japan is a verbal contract, with some exceptions, it is recognized that a contract can be concluded if both parties agree. In order to make mutual consent more objective and formal, a registered seal is affixed, leaving proof that the contract was entered into with the consent of the parties concerned.

Examples of use include home sales contracts, loan contracts, car sales contracts, and inheritance. The more important the contract is, the more likely it is to be signed and affixed with a registered seal.

People who can use registered seals

Persons who can use a registered seal must be 15 years of age or older. On the other hand, even if you are a minor, you can register your registered seal as long as you have the necessary documents such as a HANKO registration certificate from your legal representative. If you are under the age of 15, your judgment ability is immature, so you cannot own a registered seal.

What is Sanbunban?

Next, I will introduce the Sanbunban.

cheap HANKO

Sanmonban is a general term for HANKO that can be purchased at a low price.
You've probably heard the phrase "two bundles and three sentences," which means very cheap. Sanmonban comes from the sanmon of Nitoku Sanbun.
Many sanmonban are mass-produced by machines and can be easily obtained at local HANKO shops, home centers, 100 yen shops, etc.

Difference between registered seal and sanmonban

Let's take a look at the similarities and differences between the registered seal and the sanmonban.

Vermilion meat is the same

The common feature between the registered seal and the sanmonban is that ink is required to affix the seal, and by affixing the seal, you can prove that you have the approval of the person in question.
Since there is no major difference in the functionality of adding ink and stamping, even the inexpensive Sanbun size can be used as a registered seal with an expensive image. However, there is a risk in using Sanmonban as a registered seal, and some local governments do not allow registration of registered seals in Sanmonban, so it is not realistic to use Sanmonban as a registered seal.

different seal impressions

The functional difference between a registered seal and a sanmonban is that each HANKO draws a different impression. In the case of sanmonban, you can find many copies of the same seal because they are mass-produced by machines, but with jitsuin, the font and detailed design can be changed each time you create a jitsuin, and the font and detailed design can be engraved by hand. This will be a highly unique HANKO.

different degrees of importance

Although there are some similarities between the registered seal and the sanmonban, there is a big difference in the importance of their usage. While registered seals are used for big life events such as real estate transactions and car sales, sanmonban are used for all kinds of everyday procedures, from receiving luggage to issuing documents at government offices. Registered seals are far more important and must be carefully stored and managed to protect them from forgery and unauthorized use.

Risks of using Sanmonban as a registered seal

We introduced that Sanmonban can be used as a registered seal, but it comes with a big risk.

Dangerous because it is mass produced

The first risk is that the Sanmonban is mass-produced and is easily counterfeited. There are many similar Sanmonbans in circulation around the world, so if you register a Sanmonban as a registered seal, there is a risk that someone will impersonate you and conclude an unfair contract.

There is a problem with durability

The second problem is that the durability of the Sanbun format is very low. Because sanmonban is manufactured using materials that easily deform, such as resin, it is susceptible to heat and shock, and incorrect management or even the slightest shock can cause damage. If it is deformed, it will no longer be possible to compare it with the seal impression on the HANKO registration certificate obtained as proof of the registered seal, and it will lose its validity as a registered seal. Please avoid using Sanmonban as a registered seal, as there is a risk that it will no longer function as a registered seal.

Difference between Sanbunban and Shachihata/Mitsugin

Let's compare the Sanbunban with other HANKO other than registered seals.

Differences from killer whale grouper

Shachihata is a HANKO that does not require ink, and is a convenient HANKO that can be stamped with built-in ink. Although it is convenient, if you work for a company, you may have seen statements such as ``Shachihata not allowed, sanmon sanban allowed.''

Sanmonban is not suitable for a registered seal

A mitshu is a HANKO intended for everyday use, but considering the durability of the sanmon-ban, it is not recommended to use it as a mitshu. It would be a good idea to use it as a secondary device, such as when you forget it while out and about, or keep it as a spare.


I explained the difference between a registered seal and a sanmonban. While registered seals are used in important situations, sanmonban are used as backup HANKO for everyday use. Considering safety, it is recommended to manage the two HANKO completely separately. We hope that you will refer to this article for the proper use of HANKO.

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