Should I use my full name or just my last name on my registered seal?

When trying to create a registered seal, many people may be wondering whether to use their full name or just their last name. A registered seal is a very important thing to make once in a lifetime, so you don't want to make a mistake. Therefore, in this article, we will explain whether you should use your full name or just your last name on your registered seal.

Difference between full name registered seal and last name only registered seal

There are some differences between full name HANKO and last name HANKO. Some people only have their last name, some people only have their first name, and some people have their full name. Let's take a closer look at the differences between each.

What is a registered seal?

This refers to a ``stamp'' that has been registered with the city, ward, town or village and can receive a HANKO impression certificate. Only one HANKO can be registered per person, and the registration method is to bring the HANKO to be registered and a document that can be identified as the person (driver's license, etc.) to the municipal office where you are registered as a resident, or to a branch office. Fill in the necessary information on the application form and apply.
However, not all registrations are acceptable, and conditions vary slightly depending on the region.

  • Items that are easily deformed, such as rubber stamps
  • Items with unclear seal impressions or characters that are difficult to decipher
  • The diameter of the seal is less than 8mm or more than 25mm

It is not possible to register with a HANKO such as.

Registration of pre-made HANKO called ``sanmonban'' may also be refused. This HANKO is used to stamp important documents such as buying and selling cars and telephones, setting collateral, real estate transactions, inheritance, becoming a corporate officer, notarizing deeds, becoming a guarantor, etc. Please be very careful. The common stamp size for men is 15-18mm, and for women 13.5-15mm.

It is possible to create a registered seal with just your last name.

Since only one HANKO can be registered per person, it is possible to create a registered seal by using the full name (last name + first name) to link it to the individual, or by just the last name. There is no rule that a HANKO cannot be registered unless it is a full name, so it can be used as a registered seal without any problems.

There is no difference in price

Even if it becomes a full name, there is no difference in price. You can create it with peace of mind, as you don't have to worry about the price going up because it uses your full name. However, since the full name requires more characters, you may need to create a HANKO that is one size larger. In that case, please check before ordering as the price will vary depending on the size.

It is also possible to create a registered seal with just the name below.

It is possible to register a registered seal with just your last name, but you can also create a registered seal with just your first name. However, there are not many people who create a HANKO with only the first name. Many people create seals with only their last name or full name, so some people feel that a HANKO with only the first name on it is less reliable.
However, in the case of unmarried women and others whose surnames will change in the future, a HANKO may be created with only the first name.

For men, it is common to use their full name.

Many men create a registered seal using their full name. If you create a HANKO with your full name, the letters will be well balanced, so it will often fit neatly when stamped.

When do you need a registered seal?

At what point do you need a registered seal? Here are some of the times when jitsuin is often used.

When buying and selling real estate such as condominiums and houses, i.e. land.

When conducting real estate-related transactions (purchasing and selling condominiums, houses, land, etc.), a registered seal is often required. Since buying and selling real estate is an important transaction, it is necessary to prove that it is the person in HANKO. It is generally traded together with a HANKO registration certificate.

When taking out a loan

A registered seal is also required when taking out a loan. It is necessary to check that the seal is not stamped with someone else's HANKO, so a registered seal is required as proof of your identity.

When purchasing, selling, or transferring a car

When buying or selling a car, a registered seal is often required. A registered seal is often required when buying or selling a car, whether new or used, so it is a good idea to have a registered seal ready before purchasing a car.

At the time of inheritance

A registered seal is also required when inheriting an inheritance. There is an inheritance period for inheritance, so it is best to prepare a registered seal in advance so as not to rush.

Life insurance and car insurance

There are also cases where a registered seal is required when signing a life insurance or automobile insurance contract. This is not required for simple insurance, but if you are signing a large insurance contract such as life insurance, you may need a registered seal as this is an important transaction.

When receiving insurance money

A registered seal is required when receiving insurance money. Although it is not part of the contract to receive the insurance money, you will be asked to present your registered seal to verify your identity. In the case of a contract where the contracting party and recipient are different, it is advisable to prepare the recipient's registered seal in advance.


You can freely create a registered seal with just your last name or your full name. However, it is generally recommended to use your full name to prevent forgery and for various other reasons. Use this article as a reference to create a jitsuin that is perfect for you.

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You can also order a registered seal at the Online shop.

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