What should I do if I lose my registered seal? Explanation of countermeasures and risks!

Since registered seals are not used often, many people lose them. Do you know what to do if you lose it? There are various risks when you lose your registered seal, and all of them are high risks. You need to know in advance what risks there are if you lose your device. In this article, we will explain in detail the risks and what to do if you lose your registered seal.

What are the risks if I lose my registered seal?

First, I will explain the risks if you lose your registered seal.

Risk 1: You may be forced to take out a loan or be a joint guarantor.

Many cases where a registered seal is misused is when someone unknowingly becomes a loan or joint guarantor. This is because a registered seal can be used on official real estate and bank documents. This can be exploited by being forced to take out a loan without permission or being made a joint guarantor. The risk increases even more if you lose your HANKO certificate along with your registered seal.

Risk 2: Selling or purchasing real estate without your knowledge

Registered seals are also used in real estate contracts, so if you lose your registered seal, there are cases where your property can be sold or purchased without your permission.

Risk 3: If you lose your bank stamp, your deposit may be withdrawn and fraudulently transferred.

If you use the same registered seal and bank seal, there is a risk that if you lose your registered seal and it is misused, your deposit will be withdrawn without your permission or your money will be transferred fraudulently. Although many people use the same registered seal and bank seal, it is recommended to separate the registered seal and bank seal in order to diversify risks.

What happens if I lose HANKO certificate?

Do you know what will happen if you lose your HANKO registration certificate instead of your registered seal? Some people may think it's okay because it's not a registered seal. However, the HANKO certificate proves that the HANKO is a registered seal, so if you lose it together with the registered seal, the risk of misuse increases.

I think most people keep their registered seal and HANKO certificate as a set, but it is highly risky if they are stolen together, so it is recommended that they be kept separately.

What should I do if I lose my registered seal?

What should I do if I lose my registered seal? Please try searching again first. It's also possible that you just forgot where you put it. Search while remembering where you keep it and what you used it for recently.

What to do if you lose your registered seal

If you cannot find the registered seal even after searching carefully, you will need to take the necessary steps. Here's what to do if you lose it.

Solution 1: Report the loss to the town hall.

If you lose your registered seal, first submit a loss report to the office. Your registered seal may be misused by a third party, so if you notice that it has been lost, please take the necessary steps immediately. A loss report can only be submitted at the office where the HANKO was registered. If you report the loss, you can stop the issuance of the HANKO registration certificate. In addition, loss procedures can be carried out by a representative with a power of attorney. There is a possibility that it will be misused, so every minute counts, so if you are too busy to go by yourself, please ask someone to do it for you. In any case, it is important to report the loss immediately.

The following two items are required when filing a loss report:

  • HANKO registration certificate
  • Identity verification documents designated by the government office

When a representative submits a loss report, the following two items are required in addition to the HANKO registration card.

  • Power of attorney written by the person whose registered seal is registered
  • Items that can confirm the identity of the agent
  • Copy of proof of identity to register

Solution 2 Create a new registered seal

Once you have submitted a loss report, prepare a new registered seal. If you no longer have the opportunity to use your registered seal, there is no need to register it again. However, if you need a registered seal, you will need to register again. Therefore, we will create a new registered seal.

Solution 3: Register the HANKO again

Re-registration is completed by submitting a new seal notification to the office. The previously registered HANKO becomes invalid only after submitting a seal change notification.

The following four items are required when resealing.

  • A new HANKO you want to register
  • Application form for resealing (available at the counter)
  • Identity verification document specified by the government office
  • HANKO registration form

The following three items are required when the agent re-seals the document.

  • Power of attorney written by the person whose registered seal is registered
  • Items that can confirm the identity of the agent
  • Copy of proof of identity to register

Solution 4: Submit a loss or theft report to the police

If there is a possibility that the item has been stolen rather than lost, you must report the loss or theft to the police. We strongly recommend that you take out the information in case it is misused and causes trouble. If you're worried, it's a good idea to contact the business partner you signed the contract with using your registered seal.


We explained what to do and the risks if you lose your registered seal. If you lose your registered seal, there are cases where you may be forced into a real estate contract or loan without your knowledge. The risk is very high, so if you lose your item, report it as soon as possible. Please refer to this article to proceed with the procedures in case of loss.

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