Explanation of points to keep in mind when creating a registered seal

A registered seal is a very important HANKO that is required when concluding important contracts. Therefore, if you do not keep a few points in mind when making a registered seal, you may not be able to create a HANKO that you are satisfied with.
Therefore, in this article, we will explain the points to keep in mind when creating a registered seal, as well as the process of registering a HANKO.

How to create a registered seal and the process to register the HANKO

A registered seal refers to a HANKO that has been registered, so it must be HANKO with the municipality. Let's take a look at how to create a registered seal and the process of registering a HANKO.

What kind of seal is a registered HANKO?

A jitsuin is a HANKO that has been HANKO at the city, town or village office.
This HANKO is used on documents that require the signature to be stamped by the person in question, such as when purchasing a car or signing a loan contract.
A personal seal is the most powerful HANKO that an individual has, but it will not be valid unless it is HANKO . Therefore, when you need a personal seal, you must not only prepare a HANKO, but also apply for HANKO registration at your city, town, or village office.

Conditions for HANKO that can be registered

Not just any HANKO can be used as a registered seal ; the HANKO that can be registered are determined by each city, ward, town, or village. If you do not create a HANKO that meets the conditions, you will have to make one again, so be sure to check the website of the city, ward, town, or village where you hold your residence card in advance. Please refer to the following for the conditions for HANKO that can be registered.

  • The size of the seal is 8.0mm to 25.0mm
  • A HANKO created with the name recorded in the Basic Resident Register
  • The seal has a border and is not chipped.
  • The impression is clear
  • A HANKO made of non-deformable material
  • A HANKO that has never been HANKO
  • A HANKO with nothing engraved on it other than the name

Please note that stamp-type HANKO called Shachihata cannot be HANKO as the seal impression is easily deformed because the stamp surface is made of rubber. In addition, sanmonban, which can be purchased at 100 yen shops, may be able to be registered as a HANKO, but since it is a ready-made product, it is easy for the seal impression to be forged, so it is not suitable for use as a registered seal.

Flow from HANKO creation to HANKO registration

We will introduce the general process from creating a HANKO to registering the HANKO.

Decide where to buy the HANKO

A registered seal is a HANKO that you will use for a lifetime unless your name changes, so you want to purchase a high-quality HANKO that is durable. It is best to purchase from a store specializing in HANKO store or an online store specializing in HANKO.

If you go to a store that specializes in HANKO, you can consult with the staff before making your purchase, and you can also touch the actual seal material, so you can create a HANKO that you are satisfied with. If you don't have time to go to a store, shopping for HANKO online is convenient.

Decide on print material and size

One of the conditions for a HANKO to be registered is that the size of the seal must be between 8.0mm and 25.0mm. If the size is larger or smaller than this, it cannot be registered as a registered seal, so first decide on the size of the HANKO.
What is important when creating a registered HANKO is the durability of the HANKO. If the seal impression changes or cracks due to deterioration, you will need to recreate the HANKO and submit a reseal notification. We recommend using durable stamp materials such as titanium or ivory.

Ivory|Registered seal material
Titanium|Registered material
Dutch water buffalo|Registered seal material
dutch buffalo
Black buffalo|Registered seal material
black buffalo
Hontsugi|Registered seal material

Decide on the contents of the engraving

There is no problem with what is engraved on the registered seal, whether it is the full name, last name only, or first name only. In reality , many people for both men and women engrave their full names, and considering the risk of HANKO, we recommend that you do so. However, since women sometimes change their surnames due to marriage or divorce, some people choose to create their names only using their first names.
Please note that a registered seal cannot be registered if anything other than your name is engraved on the face of the seal, so please do not engrave symbols or patterns.

Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (vertical)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (vertical)
Old seal typefaceKointai (vertical)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontBlock font (vertical)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (vertical)

Fill out the HANKO registration application form at the municipal office

Once the HANKO is completed, apply for HANKO registration at the municipal office where your resident card is located. There is a HANKO registration application form available at the counter, so please fill out the necessary information and affix HANKO to the application form. Please note that to register HANKO, you will need an ID with a photo, such as a driver's license or My Number card, and a fee. The fee varies depending on the local government, but it is approximately 200 yen to 500 yen.

Receive a HANKO registration card

Once HANKO is registered, you will be issued a HANKO registration card, so once you receive it, please keep it in a safe place just like your registered seal. The HANKO registration card is used when requesting issuance of a HANKO certificate. Recently, it has become possible to use the My Number Card as an alternative.

Point 1: Choose the appropriate font and engraving method for your registered seal

The first point in creating a jitsuin is to choose a font and engraving method that are suitable for the jitsuin. In order to reduce the risk of forgery, it is said that the more complex the impression of a registered seal is, the better.

Typeface suitable for registered seals

There are no regulations regarding the typeface to be engraved on the registered seal, but the key is to choose a typeface that is difficult to forge. A registered seal is used as proof of identity when concluding important contracts, so it is extremely dangerous if it is easily forged. Therefore, it is best to choose a font that is slightly difficult to read, such as a seal font or an inso font. However, please note that fonts that are too complex to read may not be registered as a HANKO.
In addition, while the old seals, kaisho, gyosho, etc. used for seals are easy to read, there is a high risk that the impression of the seal will be forged. Create a registered seal using a typeface that cannot be easily imitated.

For registered seals, we recommend insō fonts or seal fonts.

Engraving method suitable for registered seals

There are three main types of engraving methods for HANKO: completely hand-engraved, hand-finished, and machine-engraved. Completely hand-engraved and hand-finished, the HANKO is carved by a craftsman, so the stamp is beautifully finished, and there is no need to worry about the stamp being the same as other HANKO, reducing the risk of forgery. Therefore, the engraving method suitable for registered seals is completely hand-carved or hand-finished.

Completely hand-carved This is a carving method in which all processes are completed by hand. Since no two seals are the same, the risk of forgery is low and it is suitable for authentic seals. Hanko Shop 21's hand-carved HANKO are HANKO by traditional craftsmen, and are beautifully finished and unique, so you can hold them with satisfaction.

Hand finishing This is a carving method in which the rough engraving is finished by machine, and the final finishing is done by hand. Although it is a uniform typeface, the human touch makes it difficult to forge the seal impression.

Machine engraving This is an engraving method where all processes are completed by machine. Due to the engraving method used for mass-produced sanmonban, there is a risk that HANKO with the same impression may exist. Although it is recommended for a registered seal, this engraving method is not suitable for a registered seal.

Point 2: Choose a size and suitable shape within the specified range

The second key point in creating a registered seal is to create the HANKO in the appropriate size and shape for a registered seal. Please note that there is a specified size for registered seals, so you will not be able to register HANKO unless you clear this size.

Standard size of registered seal

The size of the HANKO seal that can be registered must be at least 8mm and no larger than 25mm square. If the size is smaller or larger than this, it will not be registered, so please be careful when creating a registered HANKO.
The size of jitsuin HANKO differs for men and women, with jitsuin for men being slightly larger than for women. Additionally, in order to distinguish a registered seal from other HANKO, it is generally made in a larger size than a bank seal or a personal seal. Please refer to the following for the size of the actual seal.

Registered seal for men‥15.0mm~18.0mm
Registered seal for women‥13.5mm~15.0mm

Imprint shape suitable for registered seals

Generally, the shape of the imprint of a registered seal is a circle, but there are no legal rules regarding the shape of a registered seal. Therefore, it is possible to register a HANKO even if the registered seal is made in a square shape, as long as it is within the specified size of the registered seal.
However, the conditions for HANKO that can be HANKO differ slightly depending on the local government, so we recommend checking whether square HANKO can be registered in your area.

Point 3: Buy at a place suitable for purchasing registered seals

A registered seal will be used for a lifetime unless the name changes, so it needs to be durable so that its impression does not change even if used for a long time. If you want to purchase a registered seal, it is best to have it created at a shop specializing in HANKO.

HANKO specialty store

Stores specializing in HANKO with brick-and-mortar stores are used to creating registered seals, so if you have any questions, you can feel at ease and feel free to ask for advice. Another advantage is that you can make your decision while looking at samples of the stamp material and font, making it easier to create a HANKO that you are satisfied with. If we have it in stock, we can engrave it right away, so HANKO can be completed in just a few hours.

Online sale of HANKO

The next best place to purchase a registered seal after a store specializing in HANKO is online HANKO shopping. The biggest advantage of online shopping is that there is no need to visit a store, and the prices are relatively low.
However, unlike in a physical store, there are no clerks, so if there is something you don't understand, you have to look it up yourself. Since you cannot actually see or touch the stamp material, there is a possibility that the result will be different from what you imagined.


A registered HANKO that an individual has. HANKO are used when moving large amounts of money or signing important contracts, so make sure to create a high-quality and durable HANKO . The conditions for the HANKO that can be registered as introduced here may differ depending on the region where you live. Before creating a registered seal, be sure to check the conditions for HANKO registration on the website of your local government.

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