I can't listen to it now! Detailed explanation of how to choose the size when making a registered seal

Are you thinking of making a registered seal but are wondering what size to choose?
A registered seal becomes effective as a registered HANKO by registering it at a government office, but in order to register it, it must be created in accordance with regulations.
In addition, it will be necessary to follow the regulations for registered seal registration and create a seal that can be distinguished from bank seals and registered seals. In this article, we will introduce how to choose the appropriate size of a registered seal.

Size for registering a registered seal

First, let's check the outline of a registered seal and the size of the HANKO needed to register a registered seal.

What is a registered seal?

A registered seal is a HANKO that has been registered at a local government office. Please note that the seal will not become a registered seal until the registration procedure is completed. Once a HANKO is registered, a HANKO registration certificate will be issued, and by combining the stamp of the registered HANKO with the HANKO registration certificate, it will be recognized as a registered seal.
A registered seal is used when concluding important contracts such as purchasing a house or car, and it is also used to leave reliable evidence that it is your intention to conclude the contract. Therefore, there is a limit to one registered seal registered per person. We recommend that you create one that is close to a one-of-a-kind design as a one-of-a-kind HANKO for each person to be registered as a registered seal. You can create your own original seal by choosing the font to be printed on the seal, the size of the seal, and whether it is hand-engraved or machine-engraved. In order to create a unique registered seal, we recommend choosing a typeface that is difficult to read, selecting a size that gives a sense of dignity as a registered seal, and engraving by hand rather than by machine. However, please note that in order to register as a registered seal, you must adhere to the specified size.

Size that can be registered as a registered seal

We will introduce the sizes of HANKO that can be registered as registered seals. The size of a registered seal is not the size of the material that holds the HANKO in your hand, but the size of the impression that remains after the seal is affixed. It is stipulated that it fits into a rectangle with one side greater than 8 mm and less than 25 mm. If it is too small, it cannot be registered as a registered seal, and even if you increase the size to make it appear bigger, if it exceeds the regulations, it will not be registered. HANKO specialist companies have the materials and standards for registered seals, so if you tell them that you would like to create a registered seal and request one, they will be able to make one that complies with the regulations of the government office without any problems. Some companies will provide after-care corrections if your registration is refused, so please feel free to contact us.

Common registered seal size

Even if the size of a HANKO that can be registered as a jitsuin is larger than 8mm and smaller than 25mm, there is a considerable range, and it may be difficult to judge what size is appropriate without knowledge. Seal shops offer multiple standards, so you can choose your preferred size and a size that is easy to use within the range of government regulations. Specifically, with 10.5mm as the minimum size, there are standards that differ by 1.5mm: 12mm, 13.5mm, 15mm, 16.5mm, and 18mm. These sizes are also used to create bank seals and personal seals other than jitsuin,
The generally chosen sizes for official seals are 15mm to 18mm for men and 13.5mm to 15mm for women. Men tend to have larger palms than women and prefer to have their full name HANKO, so larger sizes are chosen. On the other hand, women tend to have smaller hands, and also tend to choose smaller sizes so that only their first name can be engraved, taking into consideration future changes to their surname. Ultimately, size changes are influenced by personal preference and ease of use, so if you have never had the experience of making your own original HANKO, it may be a good idea to visit a seal shop and see how it feels.

Difference in size between bank seal and registered seal

When considering the size of a registered seal, there are cases in which the size of other HANKO for personal use is also taken into consideration. There are two types of personal HANKO: bank seals and personal seals.

What is a bank seal?

A bank seal is a HANKO used to notify financial institutions such as banks. Some people may not be familiar with it due to the popularity of online banking, but a bank seal is required when opening a bank account or withdrawing or transferring cash at a counter. There are no specific rules for bank seals, but in general, the appropriate size for men is 13.5 mm to 15 mm, and for women, 12 mm to 13.5 mm. The size is slightly smaller so that it can be distinguished from the registered seal.

What is a registered seal?

A registered seal refers to all types of HANKO that are not registered or registered with an institution, such as registered seals and bank seals. It is often used for procedures at government offices such as applying for marriage registration and residence card, and has a wide range of uses such as confirmation stamps for receiving luggage. Since it is used on a daily basis, it is recommended to store and manage it separately from registered seals and bank seals for security reasons. In addition, as a substitute for a personal seal, there is Shachihata, which has ink built-in and is easy to use, but in many cases it cannot be used for anything other than office work or confirmation of receipt of luggage, so it is better to prepare a separate personal seal. Probably.

Difference in size between bank seal and registered seal

Now, let's take a look at the differences in size between registered seals and bank seals/registration seals. Basically, it is common to create different sizes of HANKO in order of importance, such as ``registered seal > bank seal > registered seal''. If we summarize the sizes for men and women that we have introduced above, the sizes to be created should be categorized as shown in the table below.

HANKO size

On average, a registered seal is 15mm, a bank seal is 13.5mm, and a registered seal is 10.5mm, so it's a good idea to compare the sizes before and after using the numbers in the table as a reference and choose the size that suits you. Probably.

Size of registered seal for corporations

We have introduced personal seals, but there are also corporate HANKO. We will explain the outline and appropriate size of corporate seals.

What is a registered seal for corporations?

A corporate registered seal, like an individual registered seal, is the most important HANKO used by a HANKO . It is also called the representative seal, and it indicates decision-making as a representative of the company. In the case of an individual's registered seal, the registration procedure is carried out at the municipal office, but in the case of a corporate seal, the registration procedure is carried out at the Legal Affairs Bureau. The reason is that birth registration for individuals is done at a government office, but procedures for establishing a corporation are done at the Legal Affairs Bureau. After registration, you will be able to issue a HANKO certificate for your corporate seal in the same way as for individuals. By affixing a corporate HANKO and submitting a HANKO certificate, it becomes public evidence that the person representing the company has agreed to the contract details. Examples of cases where a corporation's registered seal is used include corporate establishment, real estate sales, loan contracts, and corporate acquisitions, all of which are used for highly important contracts.

Size of registered seal for corporations

Regarding the size of registered seals for corporations, just like individual registered seals, there are fixed sizes of HANKO that can be registered. Specifically, it is stipulated that it must fit into a rectangle with sides exceeding 1 cm and within 3 cm. Personal seals ranged from 8mm to 25mm, so the size was set to be slightly larger than the personal seal. The standard standards available at seal shops are 18mm and 21mm. The maximum size standard for personal seals is 18mm, so the sizes available at specialty stores are also a little larger. 18mm is the size most often chosen for corporate seals, but if the company name is long, choosing 21mm will give the seal a solid feel without crushing the letters. By the way, corporate HANKO often include bank seals and square seals in addition to registered seals, and are sold as a set at a discount.


We explained how to choose the size of the registered seal. As long as you meet the conditions for registering your registered seal with the government office, you can design it as you like, but you must make sure that it is distinguishable from bank seals and registered seals. However, there are different standards for registered seals for different genders and purposes, so you should be able to create a registered seal that satisfies each condition if it is introduced at a HANKO shop. I hope this article will be helpful in creating your registered seal.

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