What should I do if I lose my bank seal?

When I think that I can't find my important bank stamp and think I may have lost it, I get very anxious and worried. In this article, we will introduce what to do if you lose your bank seal. Don't panic, stay calm and deal with the situation smoothly.

What to do if you lose your bank seal

We will introduce what to do if you lose your bank seal, in order of priority.

Check for lost items other than bank seals

When you realize that you may have lost your bank seal, first check to see if you have your bank passbook or cash card. If you have also lost your passbook or cash card, you will need to contact your bank along with the loss of your bank seal.

contact bank

If the bank is outside business hours or you cannot get there right away, call the bank's call center. In the case of major banks, there are counters specializing in loss cases, and some can be contacted even outside business hours.
If you report that you have lost your bank seal, transactions using the HANKO will be stopped and you will no longer be able to make withdrawals. The same applies if you lose your passbook or cash card. By taking this precaution, you can prevent fraudulent transactions using HANKO.

report to the police

Submit a theft/loss report at the local police station. In the unlikely event that your device is used illegally, you will not be eligible for compensation unless you have submitted a theft or loss report to the police.
If you submit a theft/loss report and have a certificate issued, you will be able to minimize the damage even if there is an unauthorized withdrawal.

prepare a new HANKO

If you notify your bank that you have lost your bank seal, you can immediately stop transactions on your account and prevent unauthorized use. However, to resume use, you will need to register HANKO again. Prepare a new bank seal and complete the procedure.
In addition to your bankbook or cash card, you will also need an identification document with a photo of your face. Depending on the bank, the claimant may need to bring documents mailed to their home to verify address.

Don't leave your cash card unattended just because you can use it.

Even if you can't find a bank stamp, it's dangerous to leave it as is, just because you can use your passbook or cash card.
There is a possibility that your identification documents along with your bank seal may have been stolen without your knowledge, and in the worst case scenario, there is a risk that funds will be fraudulently withdrawn from your bank account.
The same applies if you lose not only your bank stamp, but also your passbook or cash card. Be sure to notify your bank.

Don't forget to change your address

One thing you need to be careful about when dealing with bank procedures is notifying a change of address. Moving requires many procedures, so changing your credit card or bank address can easily be postponed.
If you have not changed your address, even if you lose your bank seal and contact us immediately, your identity will not be verified and the process will take time.
In order to ensure that emergency situations such as the loss of a bank seal are dealt with smoothly, it is also a good idea to report any changes to your registered information on a daily basis.

If you can find a bank stamp

If you find a bank seal that you thought was lost, contact your bank immediately. If you do not complete procedures such as verifying your identity and reregistering HANKO, you will not be able to conduct transactions.
Additionally, if a third party comes into possession of a bank seal, such as when it has been reported to the police, there is a risk that it may be duplicated. Therefore, even if a bank seal is found, except in cases where it was found in the house, it is safer to submit a new one.
Please keep it in a safe place so you don't lose it again.

Recommended HANKO for bank seals

Some people may use a bank seal in conjunction with a personal seal or registered seal. However, in order to prevent loss and diversify risk, we recommend that you create your own bank seal. We will introduce sizes and fonts suitable for bank seals, which will be helpful when creating a new bank seal.

Size suitable for bank stamps

The optimal size for bank seals is 13.5mm and 12.0mm. It is best to choose a size between the registered seal and the registered seal.

Approximate size of bank seal

Recommended fonts and typefaces for bank seals

The most common typefaces are ``Inso-tai,'' ``Tenshotai,'' and ``Kointai.''

Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (vertical)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (vertical)
Old seal typefaceKointai (vertical)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontBlock font (vertical)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (vertical)
Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (horizontal)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (horizontal)
Old seal typefaceOld seal (horizontal)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontScript (horizontal)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (horizontal)

Recommended bank seals


If you notice that your bank stamp is missing, don't panic, first check to see if anything else is missing, such as your bank card or passbook, and then report it to your bank or police. This will prevent any unauthorized use. Also, to prevent loss, it is important to create your own bank seal and avoid using it in conjunction with other HANKO. Please store it properly so that it cannot be touched by a third party.

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