What HANKO I prepare when I decide to get married?

Some people may be wondering, "I'm getting married and my surname is changing, so by when do I need a new HANKO?" or "What kind of HANKO do I need when I get married?" In this article, we will explain the HANKO that are required when you get married, divided into men and women.

HANKO required when getting married

When a couple gets married, they will have the same surname, so one of them will no longer be able to use the HANKO they had before. We will explain about HANKO after marriage separately for men and women.


If a man's surname changes, he will need a new HANKO.
If your surname doesn't change after marriage, you can use the same HANKO as before.
Many married couples take on the husband's surname, so if your surname has changed, you can use a new HANKO if you feel you need one.
However, some families take marriage as a good opportunity to prepare a new family HANKO. Titanium HANKO are especially popular among men, so it's a good idea to have a new HANKO to prepare for your new life. It is also common for couples to purchase new HANKO to mark a new beginning.


Women also need a new HANKO when they change their surname. Some people may think that if their husband has a HANKO , they don't need to get a new one. However, all contracts that have been made using the HANKO of their maiden name will basically be changed. When making changes, you need a new HANKO , so if you are changing your surname, you should get a new HANKO.

The purpose of each HANKO

After marriage, both men and women need a new HANKO. Let's take a look at what specific uses they need it for.

registered seal

A personal seal is a HANKO that is often engraved with the full name, including the family name and given name. This is because a personal seal is the most important HANKO for an individual, and only one personal seal can be registered with the government office.
For example, when signing a contract, the contract holder's official seal is required. If your surname changes due to marriage, you should get a new official seal and HANKO it at the local government office.

If you do not have a registered HANKO, it would be a good idea to get one when you get married.
Without a registered seal, important contracts such as purchasing a car, renting a house, or signing a mortgage cannot be made. In many cases, the husband is the contracting party, so we recommend that men have a registered seal.
In the case of mortgage contracts such as pair loans, there are cases where both spouses are required to use their personal HANKO. If both spouses are working and taking out a mortgage, it is necessary to be aware that you may need to prepare two official seals.

bank seal

If your surname doesn't change after marriage, there's no problem if you don't need to get a new bank seal. However, if your surname changes after marriage, you will need to get a new bank seal. For example, if a woman's surname changes after marriage, you will need to get a HANKO with her new name. When your surname changes, the name on your bank account will change, and HANKO will also need to be changed.
However, if the HANKO registered to the bank is registered under your first name, not your surname, there is no problem. In many cases, the seal is registered under your surname, so if your surname has changed, you should prepare a new HANKO and change the name on the bank account.


In the case of a personal seal, there is no problem if it is shared among family members, so there is at least one per household. However, if you use a personal seal for work and do not have one at home, it is better to purchase a new one. In most cases, one personal seal per family is enough, but it is good to have one personal seal at each base of your life and work.

Frequently asked questions about marriage and HANKO

When getting married, many people wonder when they should get a new HANKO . We will explain frequently asked questions about marriage and HANKO , such as the HANKO to use when registering your marriage and what kind of official seal you should get.

By when do you need it?

If you are changing your surname, it is a good idea to prepare a new HANKO before or on the day of your marriage registration. When you register your marriage, your surname will change and you will have to go through many new procedures. We recommend that you prepare in advance so that you don't panic when you need a HANKO with your new surname for various procedures.
If you prepare HANKO in advance, you can register it on the same day that you submit your marriage registration. You won't have to go to the city hall multiple times, so just take your marriage registration and new HANKO to the city hall.
When you get married and change your surname, various registration changes are required, so it is a good idea to use the date of your marriage as a guideline for when to make a new HANKO.

Should I create a personal seal with my full name or just my surname?

When creating a personal seal, you can register either your full name or just your surname, but since it is an important HANKO that only one person has, it is often created with the full name. For women, if you created a personal seal with your first name in anticipation of changing your surname, you can continue to use the same HANKO even if your surname changes. If you create a new seal after marriage, we recommend creating HANKO with the full name of your new surname.

What HANKO should I use on my marriage registration?

The HANKO to be stamped on the marriage registration can be either a personal seal or a registered seal. There are no particular requirements, so a cheap seal is also acceptable. However, a marriage registration is also an important opportunity to stamp something in life. Many couples prepare a new HANKO as a memento and stamp it.

Do I need to use my maiden name HANKO?

If you change your surname, you will have fewer opportunities to use your maiden HANKO. However, you will need your maiden name HANKO to prove any contracts you made under your maiden name. After you get married, it is a good idea to change your registration from your maiden name to your new name.
Once you change your surname, you will no longer be able to sign new contracts with your maiden name HANKO, but you will need it when going through procedures such as losing it, so make sure you keep it in a safe place for a while.

What material is recommended for a seal?

If you are preparing a new official seal after getting married, we recommend ones made of titanium, black buffalo, Dutch buffalo, etc. Titanium ones are not only good looking, but are also popular because they are durable and can be washed with water.
Black buffalo is one of the HANKO that are loved by many people, and is a popular material for both men and women. It is also highly durable, and its appeal is that it wears little even after long-term use. HANKO made of wood such as genuine boxwood are soft to the touch and are popular among women. Because it is a light material, it is easy to carry. Be sure to purchase a HANKO that you like.

How do I register a HANKO?

When registering HANKO, bring your ID and new HANKO to the counter and complete the procedure. We recommend that you register HANKO when you change your surname when you submit your marriage registration. Please note that if you mistakenly try to register a new HANKO before submitting your marriage registration, you will not be able to register it.

Newlywed women, get yourself a cute new HANKO!

Over 90% of people purchase a new HANKO after getting married. Of these, over 30% purchase one before registering their marriage, so it seems that many people prepare in advance. Many people purchase their own HANKO at a HANKO specialty store.
Some people prepare cute HANKO, while others receive high-quality HANKO as wedding gifts, and having a new HANKO can make you feel good after getting married. Since there aren't many opportunities to choose a new HANKO that suits your taste, it's a good idea to use your wedding as an opportunity to find a new HANKO that you like.


Once you decide to get married, you will need a HANKO with your new surname for various procedures. Use this article as a reference to prepare the necessary HANKO so that the procedures go smoothly and you can start your new married life quickly.

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