How to create a registered seal for an NPO corporation?

When establishing an NPO corporation (specified non-profit organization), the purpose is different from that of a general corporation, so the preparations may be different. I think there are many people who are having trouble with this.
One of the preparations for establishing a corporation is to create a registered seal for the corporation, but in the case of an NPO corporation, it is also necessary to create a registered seal. In this article, we will introduce the points to consider when creating a registered seal for an NPO corporation.

NPOs also need a registered corporate seal and representative seal.

Even in the case of an NPO corporation, although the purpose is different from that of a general corporation, a registered corporate seal and a representative seal are required.

NPO corporations are established for the purpose of contributing to society, not for profit, but when a corporation is established, a registered corporate seal must be created. This will be essential for future operations, such as stamping contracts and performing various procedures.

What is a registered seal of a corporation?

A corporate seal is called a variety of things, such as a representative seal or a round seal. Important documents, such as signing contracts, are required to have a registered corporate seal, so even if you are an NPO, you will need a registered corporate seal.

Corporate registered seal requires notification

Once you have created a corporate seal, you will need to report the HANKO to the legal affairs bureau registration office that has jurisdiction.

When using a corporate seal, it has no meaning unless it has been registered, and a HANKO certificate is often required at the same time.

If you are requested to submit a HANKO impression certificate, please have it issued at the Legal Affairs Bureau registration office where you registered.

There is a specified size for corporate seals.

The size of corporate registered seals is defined as a diameter of 10.0mm to 30.0mm. Please note that if you create a form outside of this range, you will not be able to submit it. Generally, they are often made with a diameter of 18.0 mm, but since the corporate name is written as the official name without abbreviations, it tends to have a large number of characters, such as "Specified Nonprofit Corporation 〇〇〇〇〇〇". It is often made with 21mm.

The personal seal of the representative is also required.

When registering a registered corporate seal, the registered seal of the representative of the corporation is required. If you have not created one, please create one along with your corporate registered seal.

How to fill out the HANKO registration form

If your seal is not clear, it will not be accepted, so be sure to stamp it first so you don't have to worry about making a mistake.

  • The registered corporate seal will be stamped clearly.
  • For title/name, enter the official name of the NPO corporation.
  • Please fill in the head office/principal office without omitting it.
  • Select “Director” as the qualification.
  • The name of the HANKO applicant is the name of the corporate representative.
  • Please enter the date of birth and address of the representative of the corporation.
  • A seal of the notifier is required.

Stamps that need to be created in addition to corporate registered seals

In addition to a registered corporate seal, you will also need to create a bank seal, which is necessary for bank procedures, and a square seal, which is the corporate seal.

bank seal

When opening an NPO corporation, you will also need to create a bank seal. A bank seal is a HANKO required for procedures with banks. Since the HANKO submitted to the bank becomes the bank seal, there are no legal problems with using it in conjunction with a registered seal or other HANKO.

However, since corporate registered seals and bank seals are important HANKO, it is desirable to create one specifically for bank seals, and the golden rule is not to use them together. Risks such as duplication and loss can be minimized.

The general size of a bank seal is 16.5 mm, but if you are making a registered seal at 21 mm due to the number of characters, it would be better to make a bank seal at 18 mm, which is one size smaller.

square seal

A square seal is a corporate seal and is HANKO for exchanging daily documents such as invoices. Unlike corporate registered seals or bank seals, it is used as a registered seal, so there is no need to report it anywhere.
Most corporate registered seals and bank seals have a round HANKO, but as the name suggests, a square seal has a square shape. We recommend making it in 24mm, 27mm, or 30mm depending on the number of characters.
NPOs also need to issue a lot of documents and exchange documents, so it would be better to have a square seal.


NPO corporations are required to create and submit a registered corporate seal, just like opening a general corporation. Since a bank seal and a square seal are also required, it is convenient to create a 3-piece set of a corporate registered seal, a bank seal, and a square seal.

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