What kind of HANKO is Sanmonban? Explaining the difference from Shachihata etc.

Many people have probably heard of the term "Sanmonban," but it seems that few people actually know what kind of HANKO is Sanmonban. HANKO include registered seals, bank seals, and registered seals, but how is Sanmonban different from these and Shachihata? Therefore, in this article, I will explain about the three-word judgment.

What is Sanbunban?

Sanmonban refers to HANKO that are mass-produced and can be purchased at a low price, and there is no particularly precise definition. It is said to come from the word ``Nitsuka Sanbun'' which means very cheap.
Ready-made HANKO available at home centers and 100 yen shops are equivalent to sanmonban.

Many of the materials used for sanmonban are made of plastic or resin, which allows them to be purchased at a reasonable price.
While Sanmonban has the advantage of being readily available for purchase at stamp shops, home centers, stationery stores, etc. , it also has some disadvantages.

Are Sanmonban and regular HANKO different?

Sanmonban also has the same effect as a regular HANKO . However, since Sanmonban is a ready-made product that is mass-produced, there is a risk of counterfeiting and spoofing. On the other hand, if you purchase a HANKO from a specialty seal shop that engraves it for you, you won't have to worry about it being counterfeited, as it will be custom-made and unique. When using sanmonban as a registered seal or bank seal, you need to consider the intended use.

How to use Sanbunban

Sanbunban is a mass-produced, inexpensive HANKO, so there are some precautions to be taken when using it. There is always a risk of fraud, so it must be used in appropriate situations. When using the Sanbunban, please keep the following in mind.

Situations when you should use Sanbunban

Purchasing a sanmon paper involves the risk of fraud, so it is not suitable for important transactions or bank seals. However, if you use it properly, you can take advantage of the benefits of the sanmonban. For example, when stamping a HANKO when receiving a delivery. Some people keep high-quality registered seals on the shelf in the entryway for use, but there is a risk of theft if you leave a high-quality HANKO on the shelf in the entryway.

If you want another HANKO for delivery, the three-mon stamp is effective. If you place the Sanmonban on the shelf in your entryway, you won't have to go all the way into your house to pick up the registered seal. Other than that, some people keep an extra HANKO in case they need it in an emergency. Some people go to a hardware store and buy one when they forget their HANKO and want to use it right away.

Can Sanmonban be used as a registered seal?

Many people may be wondering whether it is possible to register a HANKO as a registered seal. You can also register a HANKO with a three-character seal. However, depending on the location, registration may be refused, so advance confirmation is required. As I mentioned earlier, Sanbunban is a HANKO that is inexpensive and mass-produced. Since anyone can obtain it, it is not recommended to register Sanmonban as a HANKO.
If the last name and address are known, there are many cases where the HANKO is used for malicious purposes.
Also, the disadvantage of sanmonban is that it is easily damaged because it is cheap. If the seal impression is missing, it will no longer be effective as a registered seal, and a new HANKO will have to be prepared. Therefore, if you want to prepare a registered seal for HANKO registration, it is best to use an original HANKO created at a specialty HANKO shop.

Can Sanmonban be used as a bank seal?

Sanmonban has the same effect as a regular HANKO, so it can also be registered as a bank seal. However, just like with a registered seal, there is a risk of misuse, so it is not recommended. In addition, the Sanmon format is not suitable for long-term storage, so it is not suitable for registering HANKO such as bank seals. The HANKO recommended as bank seals are those with high durability. It is best to purchase registered seals and registered HANKO at a store specializing in stamps.

Differences between Sanbunban and other HANKO

What is the difference between Sanbunban and other HANKO ? There are various types of HANKO , including those that do not require HANKO and those that have a luxurious feel. Let's take a look at what types there are.

Difference between Sanbunban and Shachihata

Shachihata is a seal that does not require ink and has ink penetrated into the seal surface. The advantage of the shachihata is that it does not require vermilion, so you can stamp the HANKO just by holding the shachihata. As an image, it feels similar to a stamp. Cheap shachi grouper belongs to the sanmonban classification.
When HANKO a contract, there may be instructions such as ``Three-character stamps are allowed, but shachihata stamps are not allowed.'' In that case, you cannot use a shachihata, so you will need to use a regular HANKO or a sanmon-ban stamp.

Differences between other HANKO and Sanbunban

Sanmonban can be purchased at home centers and 100 yen shops, but if you want to use a HANKO as a registered seal or a registered seal, be sure to purchase it at a store specializing in HANKO. There are many different types of HANKO, and they are made from various materials such as black buffalo, ivory, and titanium.

There are times in life when you need a registered seal more often than you might imagine. If you have your own original HANKO that you like, it might be fun to stamp it. A high-quality HANKO is highly durable, so purchase it at a specialty stamp shop and use it as a registered seal or identification seal.

Avoid using three-sentence letters for important contracts, etc.

Although sanmonban can be obtained at a low price, it also has legal validity, so it has the same effect as a regular HANKO. It is recommended that you do not use the three-sentence format for important contracts, etc., as it increases the risk of misuse by a third party. Make sure to stamp important contracts with your own original HANKO.


Sanmonban has the disadvantage that it is easily forged as it is a mass-produced HANKO. On the other hand, Sanmonban has the advantage that you can buy it immediately because it is sold everywhere . It is recommended to use it for emergencies or as a second HANKO. Sanmon-sized stamps are not suitable as registered seals or registered seals, and we recommend a HANKO purchased at a stamp specialty store. Let's understand the proper usage of Sanbunban and use it well.

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You can order a HANKO from the official Online shop.

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