Is it okay for a couple to share a personal seal? We explain the reasons for each person having one and the advantages and disadvantages of sharing a personal seal.

In principle, each person should have their own personal seal, but many people think that if a married couple is together, it's okay for them to have the same personal seal instead of separate ones. However, if two people use what is supposed to be one personal seal, they may run into unexpected problems. In this article, we will explain about sharing personal seals between married couples.

What is a registered seal?

What kind of HANKO is a jitsuin? It is important to know what can be registered, as the size of a jitsuin is determined and the contents that can be registered are also determined. Let's check the overview of a jitsuin and the standards for registration.

A jitsuin is a HANKO that has been registered with the city hall of the city or town where you live . By taking HANKO HANKO to the city hall and registering it, you can use it as a jitsuin. A jitsuin is required when making important contracts, and the HANKO itself serves as proof of your identity. Jitsuin are used in a variety of situations, so let's take a look at what situations they are used in.

Scenes that require a registered seal

There are several situations in which a registered seal is required. For example, you may be asked to submit a HANKO certificate when purchasing a car and taking out a loan. A HANKO certificate is required when purchasing a car, as a large amount of money is used for payment. HANKO registration is also required when signing a real estate contract, borrowing money from a bank, inheriting an estate, or receiving insurance money.
You can easily register HANKO by going to your local city hall and bringing your ID and the HANKO you want to register. City halls are often closed on weekends, so you may not be able to register HANKO immediately. Since you may suddenly need a HANKO registration certificate, it is advisable to go to your city hall in advance to register.

size of registered seal

The size of a jitsuin is fixed. If it is not the size specified by the government office, it cannot be registered. The size of a HANKO that can be registered is often set at between 8mm and 25mm for the size of the imprint . If you bring a HANKO that is too big or too small to the government office, they will not accept it for HANKO, so be careful.
Also, if you cannot make a clear impression, you will not be able to register HANKO. If any characters are missing, the seal will not be able to be stamped properly, so when you go to register HANKO, make sure you can make a clear impression before going to the city hall.

Contents of official seal

You can apply for a HANKO with any name, such as only your surname, only your first name, or both your surname and first name. If you want to make a full name HANKO, it is best to make an original one, as you can HANKO your real name as it is.
However, there are some names that cannot be registered as official seals. You cannot register a HANKO other than your own name, a title that is not your real name, or a HANKO with an illustration.
Additionally, you cannot register rubber stamps or HANKO such as Shachihata stamps. Rubber stamps and Shachihata stamps are not suitable as official seals because the surface of the stamp deteriorates and the impression changes little by little after years of use.

Can any HANKO be used as a real seal?

Basically, as long as there are no problems with the size and content explained above, any HANKO can be used as a genuine seal.
You can also HANKO cheap HANKO sold at 100 yen shops, but you must take great care in managing them.
Cheap HANKO are mass-produced and can be easily purchased by third parties. Although they can be purchased cheaply, they also have the disadvantage of being used fraudulently, so it is best not to use a HANKO that is too cheap as a real seal.

Can two people use the same official seal?

When you get married, you may want to share your official seal with your spouse. Here we will explain whether or not a married couple can share their official seal.

It is OK for two people to use the same HANKO

There is no problem if two people share a registered personal seal. For example, there is no legal problem if a wife uses a husband's HANKO as a personal seal.

However, you cannot HANKO two people's names on one HANKO , so if you want to make your own official seal, you will need to have a separate official seal.

Since a jitsuin is defined as a unique entity, if two people try to register the same HANKO at the same time, the government office will ask them to separate the seals.

HANKO registration is limited to one per person.

A person can only register one HANKO. Since multiple HANKO cannot be HANKO, it is advisable to have one special HANKO for yourself. If you have one good HANKO, you don't have to worry about it breaking, so HANKO your favorite official seal.

Benefits of having separate personal seals for married couples

There are several benefits to having separate personal seals for husband and wife, and it is very convenient to have your own personal seal. Since the HANKO that are easy to use for men and women are different and the designs are also very different, it is recommended to have separate seals for each.
For men, luxurious HANKO made from ivory are popular. For women, relatively light and smart HANKO are popular. If you purchase an original HANKO made from such materials, you can own a HANKO that suits your taste.

There are also official seal sets for couples on sale.

Some HANKO specialty stores sell official seals for couples in sets. HANKO for men tend to be a little larger and heavier, while HANKO for women HANKO to be lighter and smarter. The designs are slightly different, so many couples purchase them when they get married.
Some newlywed couples purchase one HANKO for each man and woman, and purchase a bank seal separately. If you purchase a personal seal and a bank seal separately for each couple, you will need to purchase three seals, but considering security and ease of use, there is no problem with purchasing three.

Problems with sharing a personal seal

Although married couples cannot HANKO the same HANKO , it is possible for one of them to share a personal seal. However, there are some disadvantages to sharing a personal seal, so it is important to know about these issues. Let's take a look at the specific problems that arise.

Possibility of spoofing

If a couple shares a HANKO, there is a risk of identity theft. It is possible to register a HANKO under either one of the couple's names and share it between the couple, but there is a disadvantage that the HANKO can be used without the couple's consent. Although couples rarely use their own personal seal without consulting each other, the possibility is not zero.
There have been cases where a spouse has used their official seal to purchase a new car without permission, causing trouble between the spouses. To prevent such problems, it is a good idea for spouses to have separate official seals and carry separate HANKO.

Financial companies may not trust you

If a married couple shares a registered seal, financial companies may not trust them. When signing a contract with a financial company or real estate company, the joint guarantor's registered seal may be required.

When a married couple becomes a guarantor for each other, depending on the situation, they may be asked to "use separate official seals." In that case, the official seal that was previously shared cannot be used, and new separate HANKO must be prepared.

Risk of loss

When a couple shares a HANKO, there is a risk that it will get lost. If it is a personal HANKO, it is easy to manage it yourself, but if it is shared between couples, the HANKO will be moved more frequently, making it more likely to get lost. Even if you decide where to store it, there are many cases where each person leaves it in a different place, and eventually the official seal gets lost.

Risk of not being able to use it in an emergency

If a couple shares a registered seal, there is a risk that the seal will not be usable in an emergency. For example, if the husband leaves his registered seal in his car and goes to work, it could lead to trouble if the wife needs the seal in an emergency because the husband will not be able to use it.


Many people think that it is okay for married couples to share a personal seal, but using one HANKO for two people can lead to unexpected problems, so it is not recommended. We recommend that you refer to this article and create one personal seal for each person.

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