What should I do if I stamped the wrong HANKO? Explanation of how to correct it

Many documents require a seal to be HANKO, so it is necessary to be careful not to stamp the wrong seal. However, no matter how careful you are, mistakes can happen. On the other hand, many people may not know how to correct a mistake when they stamp a HANKO with a wrong seal. In this article, we will explain what to do when you stamp a HANKO with a wrong seal and how to correct it.

Mistakes in pressing a personal seal 1

If you stamp your official seal in the wrong place, or if you use a HANKO that is not your official seal, how can you correct it? Below, we will introduce the appropriate correction method for each situation where you stamp your official seal incorrectly.

Correcting a mistaken location

If you make a mistake when stamping your official seal in the wrong place, you can correct the mistake by stamping the seal in the correct place. To do this, first use a ballpoint pen or similar to draw a double line over the place where you made the mistake.
Next, press your official seal so that it overlaps slightly with the impression of the wrong official seal to correct it. After that, press the official seal in the correct place and the correction is complete. By drawing a double line, pressing the correction seal, and stamping in the correct place, you can cover up the mistake in the official seal placement.

Correcting a mistaken HANKO

If you make a mistake with the type of HANKO and stamp a different HANKO where the official seal should be, correct the HANKO you stamped and stamp your official seal next to it. The method for correcting a HANKO you stamped is the same as if you stamped a HANKO in the wrong place. Draw a double line and stamp the correction seal so that it slightly overlaps with the incorrect HANKO.

When you stamp the correct official seal, you stamp it in an empty space, such as next to the correction seal, so that it does not overlap with other seal HANKO. This way, it will be clear that you made a mistake and have now stamped the official seal.

Mistakes with personal seals 2

If you don't stamp your official seal neatly, should you correct it? Also, what method should you use to correct it? Below, we will introduce how to correct your official seal if you don't stamp it neatly.

Correcting when you don't press firmly

If you press your official seal but it becomes blurry or smudged and the impression is not clear, you can correct it and press the official seal again. A official seal will not be valid unless the impression registered with the government office and the impression actually pressed on the document match. Therefore, if you do not press your official seal properly, you will need to press it again so that the impression is clear.
If you did not press the official seal properly, first draw a double line over the incorrect impression with a ballpoint pen or something similar to cancel out the impression. Then, press the official seal again in an empty space next to it, making sure not to overlap the incorrect impression. If the official seal impression appears properly, the correction is complete.

Correcting the wrong direction

If you stamp your official seal at an angle or upside down and want to correct it, you can erase it with a double line and a correction seal and stamp it again. The official seal is certified based on whether it matches the registered seal impression. Therefore, as long as the impression is clear, it doesn't matter if the seal is not straight.
However, if you stamp the seal upside down, some people may want to stamp it again in a neater way. In that case, it is possible to correct what you stamped and stamp the official seal again. To correct it, draw a double line through the impression you want to erase, and stamp the correction seal so that it overlaps slightly. After that, stamp the official seal again and the correction is complete.

Points to note when making corrections

If you do not use the correct method to correct a mistaken HANKO, the new HANKO may lose its validity and the document may lose its credibility. Below, we will explain the points to be careful of when correcting a mistaken HANKO.

Corrections should only be made with double underlines

When you make a mistake with HANKO, you often correct it by drawing a double line through it, but this is not an official method of correction. In some cases, it is possible to correct the mistake by drawing a line through it, but for official documents, this method of correction may not be sufficient.
If you make a mistake with HANKO, don't just cross out the mistake twice, but stamp it again with a correction seal and a nearby seal. If you make the correction in the correct way, even official documents will be valid.

Place it over the top and press

If you make a mistake when HANKO, do not try to stamp again by placing your seal over the original. If the seal becomes blurred when you stamp it and you are unable to stamp it neatly, a common way to correct this is to try to stamp it over the original again.
However, it is difficult to stamp a HANKO neatly over an impression that has already been made. In particular, if the impression is messy for a personal seal, it may not be possible to match it properly and the seal may go to waste. If you are unable to stamp the HANKO neatly, draw a double line and stamp it again horizontally.

Print next to

When you want to correct a mistaken HANKO, simply stamping next to it may not be enough. Stamping next to a HANKO that has already been stamped once for correction is not an official correction method. If there are multiple seal impressions on a document, it may confuse the other party as to what the significance of HANKO multiple times is.
If you want to correct a mistake in HANKO, you should basically cross out the mistake with a double line, stamp the correction, and then stamp the HANKO again next to it. This will let the other person know that you made a mistake and are correcting it.

Use correction fluid and correction tape

Even if you want to correct a mistake in HANKO, refrain from using correction fluid or correction tape. Many people prefer to use correction fluid or correction tape because it allows you to correct mistakes in HANKO more neatly.
However, if you use correction fluid or tape, it will be difficult to know who corrected the mistake, which could reduce the credibility of the document or raise suspicions of falsification. When correcting a mistake in a HANKO, you should make the correction in the proper way, using a double line and a correction seal.

How to stamp a HANKO without making mistakes

When HANKO, if you pay attention to how you stamp and what items you use, you can make a beautiful impression without making any mistakes. Below, we will explain how to HANKO without making any mistakes.

Apply an appropriate amount of vermilion ink.

When using vermilion ink, it is important to apply the right amount. If you use too much vermilion ink, the impression will bleed and become blurred, and conversely, if you use too little, it will be faint. When applying vermilion ink to HANKO, make sure to apply an appropriate amount to the entire surface of the seal in a dab motion.

Place the stamping mat and press

When stamping HANKO, it is recommended to lay a soft stamping mat on the document, rather than pressing it on a hard surface such as a desk. This will ensure that the print is even and prevent scratches on the HANKO and document.

Hold the HANKO with three fingers and press directly from above.

When pressing the HANKO, hold it with your ring finger, index finger, and middle finger. When pressing, place your other hand on your dominant hand and press the HANKO evenly from directly above. After that, apply light pressure up, down, left, and right before releasing the seal to create a clean impression.


Since a personal seal is used to stamp important documents, if you make a mistake with your seal, you need to correct it correctly. There are appropriate correction methods depending on the type of mistake. Please refer to this article to correct it in the correct way.

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