Report on “HANKO Service” in 2021

HANKO memorial service

This year, on October 1st, Seal Day, we successfully held a HANKO service at Shimotani Shrine in Ueno, Tokyo.
This year, we held a HANKO for approximately 6,800 seals entrusted to us by our customers.

What do you do with stamps that are no longer in use?
If you bring it to Hanko Shop 21 , we will take care of the stamp memorial service.
The stamp has played a role as an alter ego, so let's give it a proper memorial service.
If you bring HANKO to any of the Hanko Shop 21 stamp shops, we will provide a memorial service for you free of charge.

If you no longer need a HANKO, please bring it to a Hanko Shop 21 store. I will pray for you with all my heart.

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