Bank seal | HANKO used by individuals

This refers to the HANKO that is submitted when opening a bank account.
To open a bank account, please bring the HANKO to be registered and a document that can identify you (such as a driver's license) to complete the procedure. Since you can use this HANKO and your passbook to withdraw your deposits, many banks encourage you to keep HANKO and your passbook separately.

Material (typical types of stamp materials)

Ivory|Material for bank seals
Dutch water buffalo | Bank seal material
dutch buffalo
Black buffalo|Bank seal material
black buffalo
Mototsuge|Materials for bank seals
Titanium | Bank seal material

Learn more about materials

Bank seal size (diameter)

size of seal
It is recommended that bank stamps be made at 12mm to 13.5mm.

bank seal font

Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (vertical)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (vertical)
Old seal typefaceKointai (vertical)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontBlock font (vertical)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (vertical)
Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (horizontal)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (horizontal)
Old seal typefaceOld seal (horizontal)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontScript (horizontal)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (horizontal)

You can also purchase it at the Online shop.

Articles related to “Bank Seal”

Are HANKO the best gift? We also introduce the best time to give a HANKO as a gift.
When is the earliest I can get a personal seal made? How can I buy one right away?
What HANKO I prepare when I decide to get married?
What is the difference between a HANKO and a stamp? Explanation of the difference between a HANKO and a stamp
What is the correct way to store HANKO? We also introduce how to care for it.
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