Registered seal | HANKO used by individuals

This refers to a ``stamp'' that has been registered in advance with the city, ward, town, or village and can receive a HANKO certificate. Only one HANKO can be registered per person, and the registration method is to bring the HANKO to be registered and a document that can be identified as the person (driver's license, etc.) to the municipal office where you are registered as a resident, or to a branch office. Fill in the necessary information on the application form and apply.

However, not all registrations are acceptable, and conditions vary slightly depending on the region.

  • Items that are easily deformed, such as rubber stamps
  • Items with unclear seal impressions or characters that are difficult to decipher
  • The diameter of the seal is less than 8mm or more than 25mm

It is not possible to register with a HANKO such as.

Registration of pre-made HANKO called ``sanmonban'' may also be refused. This HANKO is used to stamp important documents such as buying and selling cars and telephones, setting collateral, real estate transactions, inheritance, becoming a corporate officer, notarizing deeds, becoming a guarantor, etc. Please be very careful. The common stamp size for men is 15-18mm, and for women 13.5-15mm.

Material (typical types of stamp materials)

Ivory|Registered seal material
Dutch water buffalo|Registered seal material
dutch buffalo
Black buffalo|Registered seal material
black buffalo
Hontsugi|Registered seal material
Titanium|Registered material

Learn more about materials

Size of registered seal (diameter)

size of seal
For men, 15mm to 18mm is the best size for a registered seal.
For women, 13.5mm to 15mm is the best size for a registered seal.

registered seal font

Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (vertical)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (vertical)
Old seal typefaceKointai (vertical)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontBlock font (vertical)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (vertical)

You can also purchase it at the Online shop.

Articles related to “jitsuin”

Is it okay for a couple to share a personal seal? We explain the reasons for each person having one and the advantages and disadvantages of sharing a personal seal.
Are HANKO the best gift? We also introduce the best time to give a HANKO as a gift.
When is the earliest I can get a personal seal made? How can I buy one right away?
What HANKO I prepare when I decide to get married?
Is it necessary to register your personal seal when you move? Explains the procedure
What is the difference between a HANKO and a stamp? Explanation of the difference between a HANKO and a stamp
What is the correct way to store HANKO? We also introduce how to care for it.
What should I do if I stamped the wrong HANKO? Explanation of how to correct it
What should I do if I lose my registered seal? Explanation of countermeasures and risks!
Is a HANKO perfect as a gift? Introducing gift timing etc.

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