Seal| HANKO used by individuals

The most commonly used seal is the personal seal, which is not a stamp that has to be registered somewhere like a registered seal or a bank seal. Generally speaking, there are many people who think that "registered seal = important HANKO" and "registered seal = cheap HANKO," but if it is proven that the seal was affixed by the person in question, it has the same legal effect as a registered seal. Therefore, it is not just a ``registered seal'', but should be managed with the same care as a registered seal.

Material (typical types of stamp materials)

Ivory | Seal material
Dutch water buffalo | Seal material
dutch buffalo
Black buffalo | Seal material
black buffalo
Mototsuge | Materials for seals
Titanium | Seal material

Learn more about materials

Seal size (diameter)

size of seal
It is recommended that the seal be made at 10.5mm to 12mm.

seal font

Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (vertical)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (vertical)
Old seal typefaceKointai (vertical)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontBlock font (vertical)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (vertical)
Insōtai|Mitsui typefaceInsobody (horizontal)
Seal typeface | seal typefaceSeal font (horizontal)
Old seal typefaceOld seal (horizontal)
Kaisho font|Mitsui fontScript (horizontal)
Gyosho font|Gyosho fontGyosho (horizontal)

You can also purchase it at the Online shop.

Articles related to “Mitsui”

Are HANKO the best gift? We also introduce the best time to give a HANKO as a gift.
When is the earliest I can get a personal seal made? How can I buy one right away?
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HANKO is a souvenir. Why we recommend HANKO for foreigners traveling to Japan
What is the difference between a HANKO and a stamp? Explanation of the difference between a HANKO and a stamp
What is the correct way to store HANKO? We also introduce how to care for it.
What should I do if I stamped the wrong HANKO? Explanation of how to correct it
What kind of HANKO is Sanmonban? Explaining the difference from Shachihata etc.
Is a HANKO perfect as a gift? Introducing gift timing etc.
Explanation of points to keep in mind when using vermilion

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