Tokyo - Specialty shop for HANKO, stamps, and electronic HANKO [Official] Hanko Shop 21

Hanko Shop 21 Ebisu

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If you have any troubles, including business situations, please use Hanko Shop 21 Ebisu branch.
We carry a variety of products such as HANKO, business cards, rubber stamps, and various printed materials.
If you are in a hurry or are having trouble, please feel free to contact us.
2 minutes walk from JR Ebisu Station.

Shop Information

Shop Name Hanko Shop 21 Ebisu (Stamp Shop 21 FC member store)
address 〒150-0013
1-5-2 Ebisu , Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Map
Telephone 03-5447-2585
FAX 03-5447-2586
business hours Monday 10:00~19:00
Tuesday 10:00~19:00
Wednesday 10:00~19:00
Thursday 10:00-19:00
Friday 10:00~19:00
Saturday 10:00-17:00
Closed on Sundays Closed on public holidays

Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

The latest business days and hours can be found on the Shop Site Please check.

Shop Site Hanko Shop 21 Shop Site Hanko Shop 21 Ebisu


(nearest station)
○2 minutes walk from Ebisu Station (JR Line/Subway Hibiya Line) East Exit/West Exit/Exit 1 Along Route 305

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