Smile Manager vol.20 Kumamoto East Store

Thank you for your continued support. The Kumamoto Higashi store opened on February 22, 2012, as the first store in Kumamoto Prefecture, near the Kumamoto Higashi Bypass/Hodakubo intersection pedestrian bridge.

Our store will always provide services and products that are ``useful to customers,'' ``pleased by customers,'' and ``impress customers,'' with a ``heart of gratitude toward our customers'' as our top priority. We aim to provide peace of mind, trust, satisfaction, and excitement to our customers, and to become a ``handyman in town'' that is indispensable to the community.

The items our store handles include HANKO(registered seals for individuals and corporations, certified seals, etc.), rubber stamps, business cards, envelopes, greeting cards, slips, company information, employee IDs, company emblems, flyers, posters, signboards, nameplates, etc. We offer a variety of printed materials such as banners, stickers, restaurant tools, novelty goods, clothing prints, New Year's card printing, caricatures, logo design production, website production, monochrome and color copies, and precious metal purchases. We have many samples and samples available in our store. Estimates are welcome. Please feel free to visit us and consult us.

Hanko Shop 21 Kumamoto East Store Smile Manager: Kanee


Shop Information

Shop Name Hanko Shop 21 Kumamoto Higashi (Stampyasan 21 FC store FC member store)
address 〒861-8029
1-1-1 Nishihara, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Telephone 096-282-8458
FAX 096-282-8459
business hours Monday 10:00~19:00
Tuesday 10:00~19:00
Wednesday 10:00~19:00
Thursday 10:00-19:00
Friday 10:00~19:00
Saturday 10:00~19:00
Closed on Sundays

Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

Please check the Shop Site for the latest business days and hours.

Shop Site Hanko Shop 21 Shop Site Smile Manager vol.20 Kumamoto East Store
Online shopping

Hanko Shop 21 official online shopping site
Hanko Shop 21 official online mail order

Smile Manager vol.20 Kumamoto Higashi store is an online shop delivery base and a shop that accepts in-shop pickup .

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