Smile Manager vol.07 Takarazuka store

thank you always. This is Yamaguchi, the manager.
We moved and reopened in August last year.
We will make every effort to make your visit more convenient than ever, so please come and visit us.

Choose from our wide selection of ``registered seals'' and ``bank seals'' to use for important milestones by ``seeing them with your own eyes and holding them in your hands!'' Corporate Customers! To reduce costs, please come to our store and get an estimate on the supplies you are currently using, such as slips, envelopes, receipts, etc. We will do our best with "sincerity" and "enthusiasm"!

Hanko Shop 21 Takarazuka Store Smile Manager: Yamaguchi


Shop Information

Shop Name Hanko Shop 21 Takaraduka (Hankoyasan 21 FC store franchise member store)
address 〒665-0034
Global Kobayashi 101, 3-10-10 Kobayashi, Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture
Telephone 0797-78-1836
FAX 0797-78-1837
business hours Monday 10:00~19:00
Tuesday 10:00~19:00
Wednesday 10:00~19:00
Thursday 10:00-19:00
Friday 10:00~19:00
Saturday 10:00-17:00
Closed on Sundays

Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

Please check the Shop Site for the latest business days and hours.

Shop Site Hanko Shop 21 Shop Site Smile Manager vol.07 Takarazuka store
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Smile Manager vol.07 Takarazuka store is an online shop delivery base and a shop that accepts in-shop pickup .

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